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Gang of Ducks celebrates 5 years of under-radar activity gathering the people met through this journey so far.

We’ve worked with them not only on releases, but also on editorial projects and events, sharing ideas and influences.
After a briefing-free track submission phase, the final results reflect the interest of the collective into a wide sonic spectrum, where every track is connected to each other through an elusive but concrete wire.

Evol, NMO, Haunter Records’ Heith and Sense Fracture, Best Available Technologies and Artetetra’s Babau Fam do their G of D music debut, while Anastasia, Regno Maggiore and Omar Chapati join in with their absolute debut.
Gang’s close Sabla, XIII, Oddgrad, Vaghe Stelle, Dave Saved, Aniello Maffettone and Haf Haf meet good friends like OOBE, Tomat and Merchants & Lyy sünnœtty pækkülyttï.

In the 90mins of the compilation the whole canvas is a dripping psychedelic grey rainbow palette, portraying tired ravers resting at church on Sunday morning while outside modern armies hang out with hedonistic primitive tribes under under the Paradisia sacred tree.

December 14, 2018
